Comparing Publish, Routing and Service Callout actions in Oracle Service Bus
Publish Action The Publish Action is best to use when you want to perform One-Way calls or Asynchronous Calls, but it can be used for synchronous calls too. You can use a Routing Options action to set the following properties to determing the Publich Action behaviour. When QoS is exactly-once , the publish action waits (blocking call) until the response from the target service is available, although the response itself is discarded. When the target is a business service, the publish action waits until the business service response is available. When the target is a proxy service, the publish action waits until the proxy service's response pipeline completes. When QoS is best-effort and the target service is a one-way proxy service or a one-way business service with retry count > 0 , the publish action waits until the target service returns. With a one-way target service there is no response, but the publish action waits until the request is delivered. If the tar...