Installing Oracle Database Express Edition on a Mac
1. Download and install the latest VirtualBox version available from here
2. Find and download and Oracle VM image with a prefigured Oracle Database XE that best suits you from here
3. Open VirtualBox and go to File -> Import appliance and select the SDP_VM.ova file you downloaded.
4. Configure your VM to be able to use up to 4096MB of RAM and up to 2 CPU cores. You can do that by selecting Settings on VirtualBox main window and then navigating to the screens below.
5. Go to File -> Host Network Manager and create a host network manager with the default values.
6. Now click start on the VirtualBox main windows and once the VM mounts, enter the password: oracle.
7. Open a terminal in the VM and type: "sqlplus sys as sydba", then enter the password: manager.
8. Next enter the command "startup" in the terminal to start the database server instance.
9. Navigate to System -> Administration -> Services and enable oracle-xe service, in order to start the database server instance whenever you start the vm.
10. Find the VM ip by opening a terminal and entering the ifconfig command. Look for ip next to "inet addr" string.
11. On your host MacOS open a terminal and enter "sudo nano /etc/hosts" and enter one more row " oel64", then save and exit nano. Of course replace with the ip you found in the previous step.
12. Flush your dns with entering one more command on terminal "sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder"
13. To ensure you have done everything correctly, try to connect from Mac to the VM by opening an ssh connection from terminal by typing "ssh oracle@oel64" and using the password oracle.
14. If you have connected successfully, then proceed on creating a user in order to connect to the database. Type the following commands:
2. Find and download and Oracle VM image with a prefigured Oracle Database XE that best suits you from here
3. Open VirtualBox and go to File -> Import appliance and select the SDP_VM.ova file you downloaded.
4. Configure your VM to be able to use up to 4096MB of RAM and up to 2 CPU cores. You can do that by selecting Settings on VirtualBox main window and then navigating to the screens below.
5. Go to File -> Host Network Manager and create a host network manager with the default values.
6. Now click start on the VirtualBox main windows and once the VM mounts, enter the password: oracle.
7. Open a terminal in the VM and type: "sqlplus sys as sydba", then enter the password: manager.
8. Next enter the command "startup" in the terminal to start the database server instance.
9. Navigate to System -> Administration -> Services and enable oracle-xe service, in order to start the database server instance whenever you start the vm.
10. Find the VM ip by opening a terminal and entering the ifconfig command. Look for ip next to "inet addr" string.
11. On your host MacOS open a terminal and enter "sudo nano /etc/hosts" and enter one more row " oel64", then save and exit nano. Of course replace with the ip you found in the previous step.
12. Flush your dns with entering one more command on terminal "sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder"
13. To ensure you have done everything correctly, try to connect from Mac to the VM by opening an ssh connection from terminal by typing "ssh oracle@oel64" and using the password oracle.
14. If you have connected successfully, then proceed on creating a user in order to connect to the database. Type the following commands:
- sqlplus sys as sysdba;
- sqlplus sys as sysdba;
- create user mydba identified by mydba;
- create user mydba identified by mydba;
- grant connect, resource, dba to mydba;
- grant connect, resource, dba to mydba;
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